Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


oke entry ni bukan nak show off ke ape ke...just nak dijadikan 'memori' sahaja... below this is my previous handphone start from high school until present...huhuhu... tak la banyak sangat kan....tapi this is my assets that i never sell it to anyone.... sentimental value la katakan.....yang paling penting those handphone i buy it with my own money...huuhuu.....sanggup kumpul duit and beli handphone....yela time sekolah parents bagi duit belanja banyak kan so tak habis untuk satu hari ada labih simpan laaaaa.....then ini lah hasil pengumpul tersebut...hahah.... For me handphone is important thing that i must have in my bag...hahaha...yela nak messaging pakwe ke, nak call if got emergency ke, ape2 pun handphone memang wajib dalam kamus hidup ku gitu... 1. nokia 3310 2.nokia 8310 3. nokia 8250 4.nokia 7760 5.nokia 6600 6.LG (dah lupe model ape) 7.nokia 6500 8nokia N73 im a nokia fans but lately nak tukar citarasa nak try sony pulak..... Nokia N97 mini Sony Ericsson Xperia ARC but this two phone is a gift from my beloved husband...thank you very much dear hubby!!...

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